Music For Rooftops

Music for Rooftops is a collaborative music and art piece by Clive Whitburn and Cliff Crawford. Performed high above the audience, outdoors in the Devonshire Quarter of Eastbourne, East Sussex on Saturday 28 August.

Music for Rooftops is an expression of hope after such a turbulent period. In three movements the music takes the audience on an emotionally charged journey that will challenge, excite, inspire and enthral.

Music For Rooftops featured a live, large screen, projection of my visual interpretation of the music.

I took the distinct quality of each movement and, using Virtual Reality, translated it into a digital environment. The music drove the mark-making. The drawn line echoes the sound of the music and TiltBrush allowed the exploration of the drawn 3D line as a gestural, kinaesthetic act and its development as a sculptural form.

These clips were all `works in progress’ and are shared to offer a taste of what might be seen during the performance.